Has parenthood taken over your life?

Parenting matters, but your life deserves more.

It’s time to prioritize yourself!


I help parents create a life beyond their role of ‘mom’ or ‘dad’ without feeling guilty.

No life outside parenting?

Are you missing out on your own life and neglecting yourself because you are too busy taking care of others?  

Your identity is only defined by parenthood and you feel disconnected from your wants and needs.​


You struggle to find any time for your personal interest and hobbies and when you do, you feel guilty for taking any time for yourself.


You prioritize your children’s needs over your self-care and your health has taken a back seat leading to feeling drained and fatigue from constant caregiving.​


You are emotionally exhausted and overloaded with parenting responsibilities and life stress.


You have difficulty maintaining friendships and social connections and no longer have a ‘village’ to help you out even though this is the time when you need them the most.

Your own life is passing you by if you don’t make a change soon

The Secret of Overcoming Parent Burnout is…

Knowing Exactly Where It’s Coming From

This is the same quiz I use to assess new clients.

After taking the quiz, you will know exactly where you are in the 5 elements of Parent Burnout.

How to Overcome Parental Burnout

Create a life that allows you to have it all while taking care of your family

Living in alignment with your own needs, desires and personal values.

Personal Time

Effectively balance your time between parenting responsibilities and personal activities.

Physical Health

Integrate healthy habits into your busy lifestyle.

Mental Health

Enhance your mental and emotional resilience.


Strengthen your relationships that provide support to your balanced life.

Transform Your Life and Become the Parent You’ve Always Wanted to Be.

  • Unlock a deeper understanding of your core values and desires to navigate parenting with a renewed sense of self.
  • Carve out meaningful ‘me time’ for self-care and hobbies, ensuring you recharge and return to family life refreshed.
  • Incorporate fitness, nutrition and sleep into your daily routine and boost your energy and mood.
  • Cultivate resilience, manage stress and maintain emotional balance amidst the chaos of parenting.
  • Deepen connections with your friends, partner and children and make every interaction more fulfilling.

Your New Journey

Have the confidence that you’re not just surviving the parenthood journey, but thriving in it.

Beyond a Parent

Embrace a balanced life where you enjoy being a parent without losing yourself.

Your New Life

Lay the groundwork for a life that is rich in self-understanding, health and happiness.

Join Our ‘Parent Partners’ Community

Overcome parent burnout with other moms and dads who are on the same journey as you!

Join me for weekly live discussions, strategies, actionable tips and more!

My ‘Parent Burnout to Balance’ Program

12 Weeks to go from Burnout to Balance…For Good

Weeks 1-3: Find Out Who You Are Outside of Your Parent Role 

You will rediscover your passions, set personal goals and prioritize self-care. This self-discovery journey will lead to increased self-awareness and a stronger sense of identity.

Weeks 4-6: Get Your Schedule Working for You

You will be able to carve out dedicated time for yourself, pursue your interests, and engage in activities that bring you joy and fulfillment. This will lead to reduced burnout and increased life satisfaction

WEEKS 7-8: Get Your Body Right

You will have better physical health, balanced nutrition, and the adoption of holistic well-being practices, ultimately leading to increased vitality and energy.

Weeks 9-10: Get Your Mind Right

You will develop emotional intelligence, resilience, and a positive mindset.  You will also be able to manage stress, navigate challenges, and maintain a healthy mental state.

Weeks 11-12: Build Your Community and Support System

You will cultivate meaningful connections, establish healthy boundaries, and nurture relationships that contribute to your emotional well-being.

Burnout to Balance

What Could Your New Life Look Like?

During Burnout:

Right now, you might be feeling overwhelmed, constantly juggling parenting duties, personal life and possibly your career.

Stress has become a familiar companions and the joy of parenting seems overshadowed by fatigue and a relentless to-do list.

You may feel like you’re losing your sense of who you are beyond being a parent, struggling to find balance and personal fulfillment.

After Balance:

Imagine waking up feeling rejuvenated, with a clear sense of purpose and well-being that radiates through every aspect of your life. 

After you complete the ‘Parent Burnout to Balance’ program, you will have regained control over your time, with strategies in place that allow for meaningful personal time without sacrificing your responsibilities. 

Health and wellness become integrated into your daily routine and you are equipped with tools to maintain mental and emotional balance.

Relationships are nurtured, becoming sources of strength rather than stress.

The Secret of Overcoming Parent Burnout is…

Knowing Exactly Where It’s Coming From

This is the same quiz I use to assess new clients.

After taking the quiz, you will know exactly where you are in the 5 elements of Parent Burnout.

Hi, I’m Justin

Parent Burnout Coach and Your Parent Partner
This is me seconds after finding out I was going to be a dad.

1. From Bachelor to Fatherhood:

I was once a carefree bachelor, living for the moment, moving from city to city. A two-door 1999 Jeep Sahara summed up my lifestyle. But in 2020, during a cross-country move and an Airbnb stay, a pregnancy test flipped my world upside down. Suddenly, I was a father, then soon after, a father of two.

2. The Struggle of Parent Burnout:

Fatherhood was a rollercoaster. From living life on my own terms, I plunged into a world where time for myself seemed non-existent. The joy of parenting was real, but so was the burnout. With two kids, the weight of responsibility grew, and I grappled with finding balance.

3. Rediscovery and Balance:

It took time, but I discovered the BALANCE TO BURNOUT framework. The transformation was evident: from feeling overwhelmed to finding joy and fulfillment in everyday moments with my family while reconnecting with parts of my old self. Parenting remains my proudest role, and I’m eager to guide others on a journey from burnout to balance.

-Justin Peterson

1-on-1 Coaching

12 Week ‘Parent Burnout to Balance Program’


Monthly for 3 months for a total of $3,600​

Initial Parent Burnout Assessments

Personalized Coaching Plan

Weekly Coaching Sessions

Resource Tool Kit

Support and Accountability 

Family Inclusion Strategies

Frequently Asked Questions

Have a different question? Reach out to me:

The Secret of Overcoming Parent Burnout is…

Knowing Exactly Where It’s Coming From

This is the same quiz I use to assess new clients.

After taking the quiz, you will know exactly where you are in the 5 elements of Parent Burnout.

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Take the Quiz

After taking the quiz, you will know exactly where you are in the 5 elements of Parent Burnout.


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Parent Burnout Coach

© Copyright 2024 -Justin Peterson

If you have any questions, please reach out to me: justin@parentburnoutcoach.com